Privacy Policy

 Confidential policy

The policy indicates the conditions of our engagement to protect your private life.

Sur, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance. This confidentiality policy document states the types of personnel operations that are available and available on and comment on their uses.

Acceptance of confidentiality policy terms is a part of the exclusive contract for your visit to this site. If you do not accept these terms, you do not want to visit this site and receive a fraudulent use.

If the user can display or provide information about the information nominative about an article on this site, it will display the details of the position, the details, and the rectification of these données. Ainsi, it may be difficult for you to recite, complete, clarify, mises during the day or effacées the information of the concern that has been in contact, incomplete, equiped, received, or does not collect or use, the communication or the conservation is involved. do not use cookies.

The user is fully informed that people who visit this site may install a cookie automatically on their navigation device to enable certain public parts and services that use statistics, cookies, Web files, and other files on our site. .

This cookie is a block of donation that does not allow your identifier to enter because of your relatives' information when you navigate to this site. It's on the web.

The information provided includes the internet protocol (IP), the type of navigation, the Internet Service Provider (ISP), the date/hour of impression, the entry/sort pages, and the number of clicks to analyze the tendencies, administrator. site, use the user to access the site, and retrieve demographic information. The IP addresses and similar information cannot be accessed by any identifiable personnel information.

Other technologies (such as JavaScript) may also be used by third-party ad networks to ensure the effectiveness of their advertisements and/or to personalize the advertising content you see.

No public parts and services related to statistics:

Google Adsense

Google Analytic

Google Search

Certain parts of include usage of log files. We do not access or control the information content in these log files.

You can consult the confidentiality policies of these tiers for additional detailed information on different practices, as well as to obtain instructions on the choice or refusal of certain practices. The confidentiality policy of does not apply to these sites, and we also do not control the activities of these sites or websites.

You may object to the registration of “cookies” in the configuration you want to navigate through the menu:

- For Mozilla Firefox: Select the “outil” menu with “Options”, click on the “View Private” icon, repeat the “Cookie” menu and select the options that suit you.

– For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0: select the menu « Outils » (or « Tools »), Then « Internet Options » (or « Internet Options »), click on the l'onglet « Confidentiality » (or « Confidentiality »), select the Never live in the curse.

– For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5: select the menu « Outils » (or « Tools »), Then « Internet Options » (or « Internet Options »), click on the l'onglet « Security » (or « Security »), select « Internet » Then « Personnaliser the Niveau » (or « CustomLevel »), remove the rubrique « cookies » and choose the option that you are comfortable with

– For Netscape 6.

Cookie DoubleClick DART

Google, as a fourth person, uses cookies to spread the word on

The use by Google of the DART cookie allows it to spread the information from users and visit them at and other sites on the Internet.

Users are willing to use the DART cookie for more purposes. Visit the Google Privacy Policy page on your address -

If you want to receive more information or questions concerning our privacy policy, you can also contact us by email at